Shukri & Sadiq

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Yesterday, Gulam brought the boys down to the open space next to our block to play badminton. Shukri:"Papa, that word is "f_ _ k. What is that?" He actually pronouced it. Some joker scribbled the word on the wall. So Gulam pretended not to hear & kept quiet. Well one thing for sure, the money we spent on phonics classes were not wasted.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Few nights ago, we were all watching television when the trailer for Madonna's music video was aired. After watching for a few seconds, Shukri turned around & said "This is a sexy girl.". Our jaws dropped. Then I asked him casually "What do you mean by sexy? Why is she sexy?". HE just smiled & said "This is a sexy girl." Oh it pre-programmed in men/boys?