Shukri & Sadiq

Friday, January 19, 2007

Mummy is jealous...

Shukri has to write journal once a week. This week's title was "My favorite subject"..He wrote that his favorite subject is Art because he could draw power rangers & Ms Amy Quek is nice & gentle. When I read this, I felt a twinge of jealousy. Guess I won't be the most important female figure in my son's life soon...SIGH...

Sadiq's Mission

On 16 Feb 07, Sadiq & I went out with Grandma to have lunch. While on the road, Sadiq saw a car he liked (can't remember what car it was) & started to pester me to change the car NOW. I told him that it costs a lot of money so we can't change the car whenever he wishes. He refused to listen so I told him that if he managed to find 80,000 $1 coins, we will change the car.

That same evening, I left him at home & went to pick up Shukri from school. Sadiq called me on the handphone & said :"Mummy, I found 2 $1 coins." Me:"Ok, you need to find 79,998 more."

Good luck, Sadiq.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sadiq wants to go to Bukit Timah Primary School NOW!

Sadiq has been bugging us to let him go to BTPS with his brother since the end of last week..The reason : So many holidays. Terrible guy..wants to go to school not because he wants to learn but because of holidays. We told him that he better enjoy his last pre-school year cos once he enters primary school, he can't get out of it. We also promised him that we will fetch him from pre-school earlier during holidays.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Why we love Mummy?

Shukri told me this in Dec 06.
Shukri: you know why we love you? Because we were inside you for nine months.

Hee hee

Shukri's First Day in Primary School

Shukri officially started school on Wednesday, 3rd Jan 2007 at Bukit Timah Primary School (Class 1 Peace). Nenek, Auntie Aisha & parents were very excited on that Big Day. Auntie Aisha even took 1 day leave to wait for him in school!! We ie Mummy & Auntie even followed him in his school bus all the way to school..Ha ha..

Unfortunately the big day ended in tears cos Shukri was very scared of "Show & Tell" which their form teacher, Ms Amy Quek, asked them to prepare. He was VERY afraid that the rest will laughed at him etc. Eventually, we decided to bring Sadiq's photo & prepare two lines for him to say (after much consoling & encouragement).

But Shukri did not volunteer the next day..he pretended that he did not bring. So Gulam emailed the teacher to inform her that he was prepared. Guess what? The teacher called on him to do "Show & Tell" on Friday..ha ha..the wonders of email..We heard from Ms Quek that he did very well & has been appointed as a co-leader in Group 3.

P/S: I was very proud of Sadiq too. He did not voice any objections when we suggested that Shukri tell his class that his little brother is a naughty boy. He even offered Shukri his sunny side up egg during dinner. So sweet...